Toxic Surveillance System
The immersion of man in a medium which has become more and more industrialised has lead to daily contact with multiple toxic substances and, as such, increased the risk of poisoning. The medical response to this new toxicological challenge is rendered at different levels, such as a preventative policy, adequate health coverage, whether it be in the hospital arena or the extra-hospital arena, a National Service for Toxicological Information or a State System of Monitoring of Medicine-monitoring.
In the same area of awareness of the harmful effects of chemical products, whether at home, agricultural or in the professional sphere, the Poison-Monitoring System is applied, the main objective of which is to detect the main health problems connected with exposure to dangerous chemical substances and to allow for the establishment of institutional measures to prevent them.
Annual Reports
Data Files
- Case information shall be sent on line
- Hospital Clínico Universitario. Zaragoza. Dra. Ana Ferrer Dufol
- Hospital Clínico y Provincial. Barcelona. Dr. Santiago Nogué Xarau
- Hospital Clínico. Salamanca. Dr. Angel Bajo Bajo
- Hospital Universitario Rio Hortega. Valladolid. Dr. Antonio Dueñas Laita
- Hospital Donostia. San Sebastian. Dr. Jesus Aviles Amat. Dr. Jose Antonio Veras Sanz
- Hospital General Universitario. Valencia. Dr Benjamin Climent Diaz
- Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. Zaragoza. Dr. Alfonso Garcia-Aranda
- Hospital La Fe. Valencia. Dr. Antonio Gras Borrell
- Complejo Hospitalario Ntra. Sra. De Candelaria. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Dr Jose Antonio Martín
- Hospital Universitario de Canarias. Sta Cruz de Tenerife. Dr Guillermo Burillo
- Hospital de Navarra. Pamplona. Dr. Miguel Angel Pinillos Echeverría
- Hospital Regional Carlos Haya. Málaga. Raimundo Seara Valero
- Hospital Son Dureta. Palma de Mallorca. Dr. Tomeu Castanyer. Dr Jordi Puiguriguer
- Hospital Torrecárdenas. Almería. Dr Jose Carlos Martín Rubí
- Hospital de Zumárraga. Dra. Miriam Berruete
- Hospital de San Pablo. Barcelona. Dr. Luis Marruecos
- Hospital Ntra. Sra. de Meritxell. Andorra. Dra Concha Mora
- Hospital Central de Asturias. Oviedo. Dra. Marta Belen Gómez-Moro
- Hospital San Jorge. Huesca. Dr. Manuel Montañés
- Hospital San Agustín. Avilés. Dr. Gabriel Redondo
- Hospital San Carlos. Madrid. Dr. Angel Nieto
- Hospital Parc Taulí. Sabadell. Dra. Mª Luisa Iglesias
- Hospital Royo Villanova. Zaragoza. Dra. Elisa Ruiz
- Hospital de la Ribera. Alzira. Dr. Eduardo Sanjurjo
- Hospital Virgen del Camino. Pamplona. Dra. Carmen Merino
- Hospital del Mar. Barcelona. Dr. Jose Luis Echarte. Dr. August Supervía