/ Índice de tóxicos / Plantas / Bibliografía
19. Plantas
  Principales plantas tóxicas  

• Challoner KR, McCarron MM
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The Amatoxins.
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• García Rollán, M
Plantas mortales en España.
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Plant exposures: a state profile of the most common species.
Vet Hum Toxicol, 38:289?298, 1996.

• Lamminpaa A, Kinos M
Plant poisonings in children.
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• Nogué S, Sanz P, Montero M
Intoxicación aguda por Datura stramonium.
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Taxus (Yews) - a highly toxic plant.
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• Quatrehomme G, Bertrand F, Chauvet C, Ollier A
Intoxication from Veratrum album.
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Retrospective study of mistletoe ingestion.
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• Wieland, T. & Faulstich
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• Wiese M, Kruszewska S, Kolacinski Z
Acute poisoning with Diffenbachia picta.
Vet Hum Toxicol, 38:356?358, 1996.